Process For Producing A Polyunsatured Fatty Acid Comprising Arachidonic Acid (Patent EP 2380984 A2)

H2 - Patents applied for

Napier, J. A., Sayanova, O. V. and Venegas, C. M. 2011. Process For Producing A Polyunsatured Fatty Acid Comprising Arachidonic Acid (Patent EP 2380984 A2) . EP 2380984 A2

AuthorsNapier, J. A., Sayanova, O. V. and Venegas, C. M.
TypeH2 - Patents applied for
Patent applicantBasf Plant Science Gmbh
Patent IDEP 2380984 A2

The invention relates to nucleic acid derived from Perkinsus marinus which encodes a 9-elongase, a ”8-desaturase and a ”5-desaturase enzyme. All of the coding sequences can be transcribed as a single transcript.

Year of Publication2011
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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