Desaturases And Process For The Production Of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent WO 2010/066703 A2)

H2 - Patents applied for

Napier, J. A. 2010. Desaturases And Process For The Production Of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent WO 2010/066703 A2) . WO 2010/066703 A2

AuthorsNapier, J. A.
TypeH2 - Patents applied for
Patent applicantBasf Plant Science Gmbh
Senger Toralf
Bauer Joerg
Napier Johnathan A
Patent IDWO 2010/066703 A2

The present invention relates to polynucleotides from Cochliobolus heterostrophus C5, Cyanothece sp. CCY0110, Mycocentrospora acerina and Hyaloperonospora parasitica, which code for desaturases and which can be employed for the recom bi nant production of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The invention furthermore relates to vectors, host cells and transgenic nonhuman organisms which comprise the polynucleotides according to the invention, and to the polypeptides encoded by the polynucleotides. The invention furthermore relates to antibodies against the polypeptides according to the invention. Finally, the invention also relates to production processes for the polyunsaturated fatty acids and for oil, lipid and fatty acid compositions and to their use as drugs, cosmetics, foodstuffs, feedstuffs, preferably fish food, or food supplements.

Year of Publication2010
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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