Transgenic plants as a sustainable, terrestrial source of fish oils

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Napier, J. A., Usher, S. L., Haslam, R. P., Ruiz-Lopez, N. and Sayanova, O. V. 2015. Transgenic plants as a sustainable, terrestrial source of fish oils. European Journal Of Lipid Science And Technology. 117 (9), pp. 1317-1324.

AuthorsNapier, J. A., Usher, S. L., Haslam, R. P., Ruiz-Lopez, N. and Sayanova, O. V.

An alternative, sustainable source of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids is widely recognized as desirable, helping to reduce pressure on current sources (wild capture fisheries) and providing a de novo source of these health beneficial fatty acids. This review will consider the efforts and progress to develop transgenic plants as terrestrial sources of omega-3 fish oils, focusing on recent developments and the possible explanations for advances in the field. We also consider the utility of such a source for use in aquaculture, since this industry is the major consumer of oceanic supplies of omega-3 fish oils. Given the importance of the aquaculture industry in meeting global requirements for healthy foodstuffs, an alternative source of omega-3 fish oils represents a potentially significant breakthrough for this production system. Transgenic Camelina seeds engineered to accumulate the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, represent a sustainable alternative to fish oils.

KeywordsFood Science & Technology; Nutrition & Dietetics
Year of Publication2015
JournalEuropean Journal Of Lipid Science And Technology
Journal citation117 (9), pp. 1317-1324
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as ‘gold’ (paid) open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeCamelina
Publisher's version
Grant IDBB/J00166X/1

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