1. Quantifying the impacts of a reduction in beef and sheep farming on soil carbon storage in some of England’s most cherished landscapes
  2. Charting the history of agricultural experiments
  3. Onwards and upwards – aphid flight trends follow climate change
  4. A conversation with John C Gower
  5. In pursuit of a science of agriculture: The role of statistics in field experiments
  6. The emergence of modern statistics in agricultural science : analysis of variance experimental design and the reshaping of research at Rothamsted Experimental Station 1919-1933
  7. The Development of Statistical Computing at Rothamsted
  8. Investigating the molecular mechanism of onsecticide resistance in the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta
  9. Changes and being human
  10. Colin G Butler, MA, PhD, FRPS, FlBiol, OBE, FRS (1913–2016) - obituary
  11. Factors Affecting Soil pH and the Use of Different Liming Materials
  12. Helicoverpa armigera
  13. Functional Evaluation of plant defence signalling against Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum in Arabidopsis floral tissue
  14. Recombinant Organisms (Patent US 2015/0275243 A1)
  15. Desaturases And Process For The Production Of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent US 9139854 B2)
  16. Recombinant Organisms (Patent EP 2904091 A1)
  17. Production Of Omega-3 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Patent US 2015/0216828 A1)
  18. Fatty Acid Elongation Components And Uses Thereof (Patent US 8993841 B2 )
  19. Desaturase And Method For The Production Of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids In Transgenic Organisms (Patent EP 2281051 B1)
  20. Production Of Omega-3 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Patent EP 2836599 A1)
  21. Sigatoka Disease Complex of Banana in Brazil: Management Practices and Future Directions
  22. Method to improve catalyst layer model for modelling proton exchange membrane fuel cell
  23. Crop-destroying fungal and oomycete pathogens challenge food security
  24. Integrated management of root-knot nematodes in a tomato-maize crop system using the biocontrol fungus Pochonia clamydosporia
  25. Crop rotation modelling - A European model intercomparison
  26. Using archaeogenomic and computational approaches to unravel the history of local adaptation in crops
  27. Exploiting Co-Benefits of Increased Rice Production and Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emission through Optimized Crop and Soil Management
  28. Educating and Training a Workforce for Nutrition in a Post-2015 World
  29. Archaeogenomic insights into the adaptation of plants to the human environment: pushing plant–hominin co-evolution back to the Pliocene
  30. Organic farming: biodiversity impacts can depend on dispersal characteristics and landscape context
  31. Individualistic sensitivities and exposure to climate change explain variation in species' distribution and abundance changes
  32. Large-scale monitoring of insecticide susceptibility in cat fleas, Ctenocephalides Felis
  33. Interactions between fine-grained sediment delivery, river bed deposition and salmonid spawning success
  34. Nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable agriculture are less than previously thought
  35. Molecular physiology and ecophysiology of sulfur
  36. Uniting genetics and chemistry to reduce the risk of take-all disease in 2nd wheat crops
  37. Exploring the susceptibility of cereal species to Phialophora fungi
  38. Mannans and endo-β-mannanases (MAN) in Brachypodium distachyon: expression profiling and possible role of the BdMAN genes during coleorhiza-limited seed germination
  39. The effects of Nosema ceranae on honey bee flight distance
  40. Genomewide transcriptional signatures of migratory flight activity in a globally invasive insect pest
  41. Challenge clusters facing LCA in environmental decision-making - what can we learn from biofuels?
  42. Accumulation and phytotoxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid in the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana
  43. Country case studies
  44. Structures and functions of mitochondrial ABC transporters
  45. Non-structural carbohydrate profiles and ratios between soluble sugars and starch serve as indicators of productivity for a bioenergy grass
  46. Guilty until proven innocent
  47. Ring closing metathesis reactions of alpha-methylene-beta-lactams: application to the synthesis of a simplified phyllostictine analogue with herbicidal activity
  48. Modelling climate change impacts on crop production for food security: introduction
  49. Potassium fertilization: paradox or K management dilemma?
  50. Iron and zinc isotope fractionation during uptake and translocation in rice (Oryza sativa) grown in oxic and anoxic soils
  51. Metabolic engineering of diatoms for the enhanced production of high value lipids
  52. Madera - dobry kierunek turystyczny dla alergikow
  53. Fertilization and catch crop strategies for improving tomato production in North China
  54. Quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition through a nationwide monitoring network across China
  55. Geranyl hexanoate, the female-produced pheromone of Agriotes sordidus Illiger (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and its activity on both sexes
  56. Land use and soil factors affecting accumulation of phosphorus species in temperate soils
  57. Bringing non-energy systems and ecosystem services matrix into UK Bioenergy Value Chain Design
  58. Potential use of rare earth oxides as tracers of organic matter in grassland
  59. Dynamics of competition and co-infection between Zoophthora radicans and Pandora blunckii in Plutella xylostella larvae
  60. How certain are greenhouse gas reductions from bioenergy? Life cycle assessment and uncertainty analysis of wood pellet-to-electricity supply chains from forest residues
  61. Phosphorus use efficiency and management in agriculture
  62. Optimizing biomass production systems - exploiting diverse growth traits in different environments
  63. Soil water uptake from SRC willow simulated using the process-based model LUCASS
  64. The gibberellin precursor GA12 acts as a long-distance growth signal in Arabidopsis
  65. Temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect: a crop model ensemble analysis using impact response surfaces
  66. Larger phylogenetic distances in litter mixtures: lower microbial biomass and higher C/N ratios but equal mass loss
  67. Basic steps in geostatistics: the variogram and kriging
  68. Management opportunities to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from Chinese agriculture
  69. Towards bioavailability-based soil criteria: past, present and future perspectives
  70. The effect of farmers' decisions on pest control with Bt crops: a billion dollar game of strategy
  71. In silico system analysis of physiological traits determining grain yield and protein concentration for wheat as influenced by climate and crop management
  72. Simple measures of climate, soil properties and plant traits predict national-scale grassland soil carbon stocks
  73. Statistical analysis of large simulated yield datasets for studying climate effects
  74. Nitrous oxide emissions from forage maize production on a Humic Cambisol fertilized with mineral fertilizer or slurries in Galicia, Spain
  75. Transcriptional dynamics driving MAMP-triggered immunity and pathogen effector-mediated immunosuppression in Arabidopsis leaves following infection with Pseudomonas synringae pv tomato DC3000
  76. Anaerobic digestates lower N2O emissions compared to cattle slurry by affecting rate and product stoichiometry of denitrification - an N2O isotopomer case study
  77. Leptosphaeria maculans - an aggressive OSR pathogen and air pollutant
  78. Genetically engineering Bacillus subtilis with a heat-resistant arsenite methyltransferase for bioremediation of arsenic-contaminated organic waste
  79. Identification and comparative expression analysis of odorant binding protein genes in the tobacco cutworm Spodoptera litura
  80. Unseen dangers of inappropriate legislation in agriculture
  81. SIP metagenomics identifies uncultivated Methylophilaceae as dimethylsulphide degrading bacteria in soil and lake sediment
  82. Crop modelling for integrated assessment of risk to food production from climate change
  83. The importance of soil drying and re-wetting in crop phytohormonal and nutritional responses to deficit irrigation
  84. Aspergillus nidulans protein kinase A plays an important role in cellulase production
  85. Hazelnut allergy across Europe dissected molecularly: a EuroPrevall outpatient clinic survey
  86. Biorefinery strategies for upgrading Distillers' Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)
  87. Detection of flow direction in high-flying insect and songbird migrants
  88. Combining micro-bottom-up and macro-top-down modelling responses to nutrient cycles in complex agricultural systems
  89. Using 31P-NMR to investigate dynamics of soil phosphorus compounds in the Rothamsted Long Term Experiments
  90. Benchmark data set for wheat growth models: field experiments and AgMIP multi-model simulations
  91. Validated predictive modelling of the environmental resistome
  92. Insecticide synergists: good or bad for honey bees?
  93. Warming reduces the cover and diversity of biocrust-forming mosses and lichens, and increases the physiological stress of soil microbial communities in a semi-arid Pinus halepensis plantation
  94. Sphingolipid metabolism is strikingly different between pollen and leaf in Arabidopsis as revealed by compositional and gene expression profiling
  95. Disaggregated N2O emission factors in China based on cropping parameters create a robust approach to the IPCC Tier 2 methodology
  96. A conserved cytochrome P450 evolved in seed plants regulates flower maturation
  97. Effect of soil strength on roots and vegetative growth of wheat at seedling stage
  98. Nanomaterials in biosolids inhibit nodulation, shift microbial community composition, and result in increased metal uptake relative to bulk/dissolved metals
  99. Future of breeding by genome editing is in the hands of regulators
  100. Towards the industrial production of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids from a genetically modified diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
  101. A restatement of recent advances in the natural science evidence base concerning neonicotinoid insecticides and insect pollinators
  102. Metatranscriptomic census of active protists in soils
  103. Monthly-to-seasonal predictions of durum wheat yield over the Mediterranean Basin
  104. Thirteen challenges in modelling plant diseases
  105. Distribution of the stable isotopes 57Fe and 68Zn in grain tissues of various wheat lines differing in their phytate content
  106. Adaptation options for wheat in Europe will be limited by increased adverse weather events under climate change
  107. Identification of Brome grasses (Rothamsted technical publication, 2015)
  108. A statistical analysis of three ensembles of crop model responses to temperature and CO2 concentration
  109. Toxic effectors from the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici
  110. Necrotrophic effectors from Zymoseptoria tritici
  111. Candidate necrotrophic effectors from the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici
  112. Analysis of the giant genomes of Fritillaria (Liliaceae) indicates that a lack of DNA removal characterizes extreme expansions in genome size
  113. Plant fungal resistance gene. WO2017103582 (A1)
  114. Reducing excessive nitrogen use in Chinese wheat production through knowledge training: what are the implications for the public extension system?
  115. Incidence, spread and mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance in European populations of the cabbage stem flea beetle, Psylliodes chrysocephala L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
  116. Responses to plant pathogens
  117. Distribution of lipids in the grain of wheat (cv. Hereward) determined by lipidomic analysis of milling and pearling fractions
  118. Investigating a potential link between take-all disease progression and root system phenotypes in two important elite winter wheat cultivars
  119. Susceptibility of adult cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) to insecticides and status of insecticide resistance mutations at the Rdl and knockdown resistance loci
  120. Can live weight be used as a proxy for enteric methane emissions from pasture-fed sheep
  121. Spatial prediction of coastal bathymetry based on multispectral satellite imagery and multibeam data
  122. Calibrating a geographically weighted regression model with parameter-specific distance metrics
  123. Growing innovations for the bioeconomy
  124. Using bootstrap methods to investigate coefficient non-stationarity in regression models: an empirical case study
  125. The use of geographically weighted PCA to classify land cover from multispectral image data
  126. The North Wyke Farm Platform, a UK national capability for research into sustainability of temperate agricultural grassland management: progress and developments
  127. A case report of lameness in two dairy goat herds; a suspected combination of nutritional factors concurrent with treponeme infection
  128. Integrated pest management of insect pests of rapeseed
  129. Capturing the spatial variability of N2O emissions on grazed grasslands
  130. Secreted biomolecules in fungal plant pathogenesis
  131. The effect of sowing date (autumn vs. spring) on the flowering period of biennial margin mixes and their resource value for enemies of crop pests
  132. Reduction in mRNA and protein expression of a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 8 subunit is associated with resistance to imidacloprid in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens
  133. ABC transporter research: going strong 40 years on
  134. Who wants to live forever?
  135. Science on screen: what's the drama about accuracy?
  136. Grassland biodiversity bounces back from long-term nitrogen addition
  137. Pollen from alder (Alnus sp.), birch (Betula sp.) and oak (Quercus sp.) in the UK originate from small woodlands
  138. Breeding willow for short rotation coppice energy cropping
  139. Our daily bread
  140. Improving the health benefits of bread
  141. Searching behavior in social Hymenoptera
  142. Determination of Alternaria spp. habitats using 7-day volumetric spore trap, Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model and geographic information system
  143. Tsallis distributions, Levy walks and correlated-type anomalous diffusion result from state-dependent diffusion
  144. Venturing beyond the Levy flight foraging hypothesis: reply to comments on 'Liberating Levy walk research from the shackles of optimal foraging'
  145. Beyond optimal searching: recent developments in the modelling of animal movement patterns as Levy walks
  146. Pelagic seabird flight patterns are consistent with a reliance on olfactory maps for oceanic navigation
  147. Evidence for a pervasive 'idling-mode' activity template in flying and pedestrian insects
  148. A priority-based queuing process explanation for scale-free foraging behaviours
  149. Extending Levy search theory from one to higher dimensions: Levy walking favours the blind
  150. 10 years later: revisiting priorities for science and society a decade after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
  151. Dietary fibre: wheat genes for enhanced human health
  152. Gibberellin metabolism
  153. Accumulation of ascorbate in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana wildtype and vtc2 mutants under continuous light and short photoperiod conditions
  154. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: fluxes, emission factors and mitigation
  155. Peroxisomal ABC transporters: functions and mechanisms
  156. Monitoring changes in malaria epidemiology and effectiveness of interventions in Ethiopia and Uganda: Beyond Garki Project baseline survey
  157. Designing strategies for epidemic control in a tree nursery: the case of ash dieback in the UK
  158. Soil pH determines microbial diversity and composition in the Park Grass Experiment
  159. Differentially penalized regression to predict agronomic traits from metabolites and markers in wheat
  160. The Aspergillus fumigatus pkcA G579R mutant is defective in the activation of the cell wall integrity pathway but is dispensable for virulence in a neutropenic mouse infection model
  161. Responses of parasitoids to volatiles induced by Chilo partellus oviposition on teosinte, a wild ancestor of maize
  162. Climate-adapted companion cropping increases agricultural productivity in East Africa
  163. Ecological management of cereal stemborers in African smallholder agriculture through behavioural manipulation
  164. An analysis of Pseudomonas genomic diversity in take-all infected wheat fields reveals the lasting impact of wheat cultivars on the soil microbiota
  165. Over 150 years of long-term fertilization alters spatial scaling of microbial biodiversity
  166. Mutation scanning in wheat by exon capture and next-generation sequencing
  167. Resequencing at >40-fold depth of the parental genomes of a Solanum lycopersicum x S. pimpinellifolium recombinant inbred line population and characterization of frame-shift InDels that are highly likely to perturb protein function
  168. Evolutionary longitudinal network dynamics of global zoonotic research
  169. Networks of preparedness and response during Australian H1N1 outbreak
  170. The importance of the microbial N cycle in soil for crop plant nutrition
  171. ECERIFERUM2-LIKE proteins have unique biochemical and physiological functions in very-long-chain fatty acid elongation
  172. The biosynthesis of allelopathic di-C-glycosylflavones from the roots of Desmodium incanum (G. Mey) DC
  173. G-fibre cell wall development in willow stems during tension wood induction
  174. X-ray micro-computed tomography in willow reveals tissue patterning of reaction wood and delay in programmed cell death
  175. Atmospheric H2S and SO2 as sulfur source for Brassica juncea and Brassica rapa: impact on the glucosinolate composition
  176. Global Research Alliance Modelling Platform (GRAMP): an open web platform for modelling greenhouse gas emissions from agro-ecosystems
  177. Modelling the impact of environmental changes on grassland systems with SPACSYS
  178. Technologies for increasing carbon storage in soil to mitigate climate change
  179. The use of mathematical models to guide fungicide resistance management decisions
  180. Evidence-based resistance management: a review of existing evidence
  181. Stable expression and functional characterisation of the diamondback moth ryanodine receptor G4946E variant conferring resistance to diamide insecticides
  182. Source identification of fine-grained suspended sediment in the Kharaa River basin, northern Mongolia
  183. Digestibility of gluten proteins is reduced by baking and enhanced by starch digestion
  184. Adapting wheat ideotypes for climate change: accounting for uncertainties in CMIP5 climate projections
  185. Uncertainty in simulating biomass yield and carbon-water fluxes from grasslands under climate change
  186. An analysis of local wind and air mass directions and their impact on Cladosporium distribution using HYSPLIT a circular statistics
  187. Development of a biotic index using stream macroinvertebrates to assess stress from deposited fine sediment
  188. Genetic diversity for root plasticity and nitrogen uptake in wheat seedlings
  189. Sustainable intensification of China's agriculture: the key role of nutrient management and climate change mitigation and adaptation
  190. Effects of plant species, stage of maturity, and level of formic acid addition on lipolysis, lipid content, and fatty acid composition during ensiling
  191. Modelling transmission characteristics and epidemic development of the tospovirus-thrip interaction
  192. Nitrogen assimilation and transpiration: key processes conditioning responsiveness of wheat to elevated [CO2] and temperature
  193. A century of gibberellin research
  194. Pest control and resistance management through release of insects carrying a male-selecting transgene
  195. Effects of manipulated above- and belowground organic input on soil respiration in a Chinese pine plantation
  196. Assessment of a rapid method for quantitative reach-scale estimates of deposited fine sediment in rivers
  197. Regulation of endomembrane biogenesis in arabidopsis by phospatidic acid hydrolase
  198. Probing the basis of soil resilience
  199. G‐protein coupled receptor‐mediated nutrient sensing and developmental control in Aspergillus nidulans
  200. The war on wheat
  201. Host to a stranger: Arabidopsis and Fusarium ear blight
  202. Overcoming nitrogen fertilizer over-use through technical and advisory approaches: a case study from Shaanxi Province, northwest China
  203. Impact of climate change on diseases in sustainable arable crop systems: CLIMDIS (HGCA Project Report No. 539)
  204. Proximal hyperspectral sensing and data analysis approaches for field-based plant phenomics
  205. The contribution of wheat to human diet and health
  206. Liberating Levy walk research from the shackles of optimal foraging
  207. Early detection surveillance for an emerging plant pathogen: a rule of thumb to predict prevalence at first discovery
  208. Efficient method for rapid multiplication of clean and healthy willow clones via in vitro propagation with broad genotype applicability
  209. Redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food and bioenergy demand
  210. Genome wide binding site analysis reveals transcriptional coactivation of cytokinin-responsive genes by DELLA proteins
  211. Differential role for trehalose metabolism in salt-stressed maize
  212. Intervention in plant signalling through light-activation of an exogenous sugar signalling-precursor increase crop yield and resilience
  213. A review of the impacts of degradation threats on soil properties in the UK
  214. Potential sources of airborne Alternaria spp. spores in South-west Spain
  215. Non-labile silver species in biosolids remain stable throughout 50 years of weathering and ageing
  216. G-protein alpha-subunit (GPA1) regulates stress, nitrate and phosphate response, flavonoid biosynthesis, fruit/seed development and substantially shares GCR1 regulation in A. thaliana
  217. Scientific opinion on hot water treatment of Vitis sp. for Xylella fastidiosa
  218. Guidelines for measuring and reporting environmental parameters for experiments in greenhouses
  219. Identification of non-host semiochemicals for the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (Acari: Ixodidae), from tick-resistant beagles, Canis lupus familiaris
  220. Biosolids: soil quality and fertility benefits. UKWIR Report Ref. No. 15/SL/01/8
  221. Using the pathogen-host interactions database (PHI-base) to investigate plant pathogen genomes and genes implicated in virulence
  222. Isolation and identification of Desmodium root exudates from drought tolerant species used as intercrops against Striga hermonthica
  223. The completed genome sequence of the pathogenic ascomycete fungus Fusarium graminearum
  224. Do 'ancient' wheat species differ from modern bread wheat in their contents of bioactive components?
  225. Engineering soil organic matter quality: Biodiesel Co-Product (BCP) stimulates exudation of nitrogenous microbial biopolymers
  226. Soil organic matter and the extracellular microbial matrix show contrasting responses to C and N availability
  227. Characterisation of the willow phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (Pal) gene family reveals expression differences compared with poplar
  228. Analysis of cytochrome b5 reductase-mediated metabolism in the phytopathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici reveals novel functionalities implicated in virulence
  229. Field trial evaluation of the accumulation of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in transgenic Camelina sativa: making fish oil substitutes in plants
  230. The first crop plant genetically engineered to release an insect pheromone for defence
  231. Transgenic plants as a sustainable, terrestrial source of fish oils
  232. High yielding biomass genotypes of willow (Salix spp.) show differences in below ground biomass allocation
  233. Heterologous expression and transcript analysis of gibberellin biosynthetic genes of grasses reveals novel functionality in the GA3ox family
  234. Dissolved phosphorus retention in buffer strips: influence of slope and soil type
  235. The use of electromagnetic induction to monitor changes in soil moisture profiles beneath different wheat genotypes
  236. Quantitative proteomics analysis of the Arg/N-end rule pathway of targeted degradation in Arabidopsis roots
  237. An alternative pathway for the effective production of the omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturates EPA and ETA in transgenic oilseeds
  238. A nutritionally-enhanced oil from transgenic Camelina sativa effectively replaces fish oil as a source of eicosapentaenoic acid for fish
  239. Evaluation of a high-EPA oil from transgenic Camelina sativa in feeds for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): effects on tissue fatty acid composition, histology and gene expression
  240. Diversity and abundance of arsenic biotransformation genes in paddy soils from southern China
  241. Arsenic methylation and volatilization by arsenite S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase in Pseudomonas alcaligenes NBRC14159
  242. Anaerobic arsenite oxidation by an autotrophic arsenite-oxidizing bacterium from an arsenic-contaminated paddy soil
  243. How rain-formed soil crust affects wind erosion in a semi-arid steppe in northern China
  244. Identification and expression analysis of putative chemosensory receptor genes in Microplitis mediator by antennal transcriptome screening
  245. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil aggregates under long-term nitrogen and water addition in a temperate steppe
  246. Pheromone bouquet of the dried bean beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Col.: Chrysomelidae), now complete
  247. The Lepidoptera Odorant Binding Protein gene family: gene gain and loss within the GOBP/PBP complex of moths and butterflies
  248. Heat tolerance around flowering in wheat identified as a key trait for increased yield potential in Europe under climate change
  249. Status of pyrethroid resistance and mechanisms in Brazilian populations of Tuta absoluta
  250. Large-scale migration synchrony between parasitoids and their host
  251. Effect of mechanical separation on emissions during storage of two anaerobically codigested animal slurries
  252. Communicating the uncertainty in estimated greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
  253. Pre-maturity alpha-amylase in wheat: the role of abscisic acid and gibberellins
  254. GM foods: is there a way forward?
  255. The effect of impedance to root growth on plant architecture in wheat
  256. Effects of climate change and seed dispersal on airborne ragweed pollen loads in Europe
  257. e-RA, the electronic Rothamsted Archive: long-term data for modern-day agroecological research
  258. The role of nodes in arsenic storage and distribution in rice
  259. Carbon sequestration by perennial energy crops: is the jury still out?
  260. TaER expression is associated with transpiration efficiency traits and yield in bread wheat
  261. Simulation of nitrous oxide emissions at field scale using the SPACSYS model
  262. Release of covalently bound hydroxycinnamate, ferulic acid, from whole-grain
  263. Improving wheat as a source of dietary fibre for human health
  264. Previous bottlenecks and future solutions to dissecting the Zymoseptoria tritici -wheat host-pathogen interaction
  265. Soil carbon dynamics and nutrient cycling
  266. Developing and enhancing biodiversity monitoring programmes: a collaborative assessment of priorities
  267. Expression of trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase in maize ears improves yield in well-watered and drought conditions
  268. Sugar beet, energy beet and industrial beet
  269. Influence of temperature on the composition and polymerization of gluten proteins during grain filling in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  270. Aphid sex pheromone compounds interfere with attraction of common green lacewings to floral bait
  271. Review of an ADAS Report 'The agronomic case for polyhalite', dated 8 April 2014 (Report prepared for the North York Moors National Park Authority)
  272. Dynamic transcriptiome analysis and volatile profiling of Gossypium hirsutum in response to the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera
  273. An interspecies comparative analysis of the predicted secretomes of the necrotrophic plant pathogens Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea
  274. Enhancements to a geographically weighted principal component analysis in the context of an application to an environmental data set
  275. Producing a road map that enables plants to cope with future climate change
  276. GWmodel: an R package for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models
  277. Solanum lycopersicum AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 9 regulates cell division activity during early tomato fruit development
  278. The global status of insect resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides
  279. Molecular characterization of two isoforms of a farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene in wheat and their roles in sesquiterpene synthesis and inducible defence against aphid infestation
  280. Unraveling incompatibility between wheat and the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici through apoplastic proteomics
  281. Technological developments for spatial prediction of soil properties, and Daniel Krige's influence on it
  282. Whole-genome analysis of Fusarium graminearum insertional mutants identifies virulence associated genes and unmasks untagged chromosomal deletions
  283. Engineering a plant community to deliver multiple ecosystem services
  284. Seasonal carbohydrate dynamics and climate regulation of senescence in the perennial grass, Miscanthus
  285. Reply to 'No-till agriculture and climate change mitigation'
  286. The Rothamsted Long-term Experiments
  287. Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) for functional anaylsis of wheat genes involved in Zymoseptoria tritici susceptibiblity and resistance
  288. Deregulation of plant cell death through disruption of chloroplast functionality affects asexual sporulation of Zymoseptoria tritici on wheat
  289. Challenging regulations: managing risks in crop biotechnology
  290. An introduction to bioenergy
  291. Arabidopsis uses two gluconeogenic gateways for organic acids to fuel seedling establishment
  292. PHOSPHATIDIC ACID PHOSPHOHYDROLASE regulates phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis by phosphatidic acid-mediated activation of CTP: PHOSPHOCHOLINE CYTIDYLYLTRANSFERASE activity
  293. A review of the potential for competitive cereal cultivars as a tool in integrated weed management
  294. Multiple roles of a male-specific compound in the sexual behavior of the dried bean beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus
  295. Novel olfactory ligands via terpene synthases
  296. Writer's block: seeking the muse when caffeine fails
  297. A dense medium microwave backscattering model for the remote sensing of oil palm
  298. Chemical cues modulating electrophysiological and behavioural responses in the parasitic wasp Cotesia sesamiae
  299. Accented Hawk Nephele accentifera: a new species for Europe
  300. Determinants of adoption of climate-smart push-pull technology for enhanced food security through integrated pest management in eastern Africa
  301. In situ measurements of organic carbon in soil profiles using vis-NIR spectroscopy on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
  302. Differences in MAT gene distribution and expression between Rhynchosporium species on grasses
  303. Heritability of attractiveness to mosquitoes
  304. Dynamics of copy number variation in host races of the pea aphid
  305. Sharing a host plant (wheat [Triticum aestivum]) increases the fitness of Fusarium graminiearum and the severity of fusarium head blight but reduces the fitness of grain aphids (Sitobion avenae)
  306. Detection of powdery mildew in two winter wheat plant densities and prediction of grain yield using canopy hyperspectral reflectance
  307. Expression patterns of C- and N-metabolism related genes in wheat are changed during senescence under elevated CO2 in dry-land agriculture
  308. Monte Carlo simulations of the transformation and removal of Ag, TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles in wastewater treatment and land application of biosolids
  309. Napier grass stunt disease in East Africa: farmers' perspectives on disease management
  310. Managing habitats on English farmland for insect pollinator conservation
  311. Appendix 4. Effect of brassica field margins on arthropod biodiversity and biocontrol in a wheat-oilseed rape rotation
  312. Long-range seasonal migration in insects: mechanisms, evolutionary drivers and ecological consequences
  313. Bang the gong for biochemistry
  314. Keeping an open mind: Sherlock Holmes and the RNA world
  315. Chemosensillum immunolocalization and ligand specificity of chemosensory proteins in the alfalfa plant bug Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze)
  316. Rice production, nitrous oxide emission and ammonia volatilization as impacted by the nitrification inhibitor 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)-pyridine
  317. Energy utilization and growth performance of chickens fed novel wheat inbred lines selected for different pentosan levels with and without xylanase supplementation
  318. In planta transient expression systems for monocots
  319. Wheat biotechnology: current status and future prospects
  320. Plant virus particles carrying tumour antigen activate TLR7 and induce high levels of protective antibody
  321. Acrylamide in potato crisps prepared from 20 UK-grown varieties: effects of variey and tuber storage time
  322. Interplay between insects and plants: dynamic and complex interactions that have coevolved over millions of years but act in milliseconds
  323. New directions for improving crop resistance to insects by breeding for egg induced defence
  324. A call to action - The cereal foods supply chain must share responsibility for public health
  325. Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production
  326. Combining a weed traits database with a population dynamics model predicts shifts in weed communities
  327. Transcriptome and metabolite profiling of the infection cycle of Zymoseptoria tritici on wheat reveals a biphasic interaction with plant immunity involving differential pathogen chromosomal contributions and a variation on the hemibiotrophic lifestyle definition
  328. Effects of water availability on free amino acids, sugars and acrylamide-forming potential in potato
  329. Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: many models are better than one
  330. Isotope fractionation factors controlling isotopocule signatures of soil-emitted N2O produced by denitrification processes of various rates
  331. Resistance profile of herbicide-resistant Alopecurus myosuroides (black-grass) populations in Denmark
  332. Postprandial plasma betaine and other methyl donor-related responses after consumption of minimally processed wheat bran or wheat aleurone, or wheat aleurone incorporated into bread
  333. Fungicide resistance risk assessment based on traits associated with the rate of pathogen evolution
  334. Transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis GCR1 mutant reveals its roles in stress, hormones, secondary metabolism and phosphate starvation
  335. A review of Agrilus biguttatus in UK forests and its relationship with acute oak decline
  336. Long-term phenological trends, species accumulation rates, aphid traits and climate: five decades of change in migrating aphids
  337. An evolutionarily-unique heterodimeric voltage-gated cation channel found in aphids
  338. Soil contamination in China: current status and mitigation strategies
  339. Overexpression of a NAC transcription factor delays leaf senescence and increases grain nitrogen concentration in wheat
  340. Innovations in air sampling to detect plant pathogens
  341. Optical sensing of crop diseases for phenotyping and early detection
  342. Airborne sampling and optical sensing methods for macro scale mapping
  343. The Pathogen-Host Interactions database (PHI-base): additions and future developments
  344. Molecular cloning, characterisation and mRNA expression of the ryanodine receptor from the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae
  345. Value based assessment of drugs
  346. Modifying the lipid content and composition of plant seeds: engineering the production of LC-PUFA
  347. Sequestration of C in soils under Miscanthus can be marginal and is affected by genotype-specific root distribution
  348. Soil carbon, multiple benefits
  349. The evolution of fungicide resistance
  350. Mapping soil salinity in the Yangtze delta: REML and universal kriging (E-BLUP) revisited
  351. Functional analysis of a wheat homeodomain protein, TaR1, reveals that host chromatin remodelling influences the dynamics of the switch to necrotrophic growth in the phytopathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici
  352. Exploring the spatial variation in the fertilizer-nitrogen requirement of wheat within fields
  353. Regulatory uncertainty over genome editing
  354. Wheat root growth responses to horizontal stratification of fertiliser in a water-limited environment
  355. Short-term emissions of CO2 and N2O in response to periodic flood irrigation with waste water in the Mezquital Valley of Mexico
  356. Transcriptome and metabolome analysis of plant sulfate starvation and resupply provides novel information on transcriptional regulation of metabolism associated with sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus nutritional responses in Arabidopsis
  357. Carbon and macronutrient losses during accelerated erosion under different tillage and residue management
  358. Investigating the relationship between unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curve and confined compression curve
  359. The effect of nitrification inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions from cattle urine depositions to grassland under summer conditions in the UK
  360. A novel approach to identify genes that determine grain protein deviation in cereals
  361. Statistical methods in biology: design and analysis of experiments and regression
  362. Comparative in situ analyses of cell wall matrix polysaccharide dynamics in developing rice and wheat grain
  363. Ferulic acid: a key component in grass lignocellulose recalcitrance to hydrolysis
  364. Effect of temperature, pH, carbon and nitrogen ratios on the parasitic activity of Pochonia chlamydosporia on Meloidogyne incognita
  365. Effects of abiotic stress and crop management on cereal grain composition: implications for food quality and safety
  366. Optimizing Rubisco and its regulation for greater resource use efficiency
  367. Comparing N2O fluxes from recently created extensive grasslands and sites remaining under intensive agricultural management
  368. Temperature-activity relationships in Meligethes aeneus: implications for pest management
  369. Gluten quality of bread wheat is associated with activity of RabD GTPases