From sugar and amino acid signalling to reducing the potential for acrylamide formation in foods

C2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences

Halford, N. G., Coello, P., Curtis, T., Hey, S., Muttucumaru, N., Postles, J. and Prosser, I. 2010. From sugar and amino acid signalling to reducing the potential for acrylamide formation in foods. Abstracts GARNet 2010 Meeting, Durham, 6-7 September 2010 .

AuthorsHalford, N. G., Coello, P., Curtis, T., Hey, S., Muttucumaru, N., Postles, J. and Prosser, I.
TypeC2 - Non-edited contributions to conferences
Year of Publication2010
Funder project or codeCentre for Crop Genetic Improvement (CGI)
BBSRC FOF:Effects of manipulating the regulatory protein kinase GCN2 and elF2alpha in wheat and oilseed rape
BBSRC LINK: Producing low acrylamide risk potatoes
Optimising water use in wheat
Project: 2301
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

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