Characterization and genetic control of the prolamins of Haynaldia villosa : relationship to cultivated species of the Triticeae (rye, wheat and barley).

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Shewry, P. R., Parmar, S. and Pappin, D. J. C. 1987. Characterization and genetic control of the prolamins of Haynaldia villosa : relationship to cultivated species of the Triticeae (rye, wheat and barley). Biochemical Genetics. 25, pp. 309-325.

AuthorsShewry, P. R., Parmar, S. and Pappin, D. J. C.
Year of Publication1987
JournalBiochemical Genetics
Journal citation25, pp. 309-325
Open accessPublished as non-open access

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