Detailed analysis of the expression of an alpha-gliadin promoter and the deposition of alpha-gliadin protein during wheat grain development

A - Papers appearing in refereed journals

Van Herpen, T. W. J. M., Riley, M., Sparks, C. A., Jones, H. D., Gritsch, C., Dekking, E. H., Hamer, R. J., Bosch, D., Salentijn, E. M. J., Smulders, M. J. M., Shewry, P. R. and Gilissen, L. J. W. J. 2008. Detailed analysis of the expression of an alpha-gliadin promoter and the deposition of alpha-gliadin protein during wheat grain development. Annals of Botany. 102, pp. 331-342.

AuthorsVan Herpen, T. W. J. M., Riley, M., Sparks, C. A., Jones, H. D., Gritsch, C., Dekking, E. H., Hamer, R. J., Bosch, D., Salentijn, E. M. J., Smulders, M. J. M., Shewry, P. R. and Gilissen, L. J. W. J.
Year of Publication2008
JournalAnnals of Botany
Journal citation102, pp. 331-342
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Open accessPublished as non-open access
FunderBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Funder project or codeCentre for Crop Genetic Improvement (CGI)
Cereal seed composition and end use quality
Wheat biotechnology and gene validation platform
Publisher's version
PublisherOxford University Press (OUP)

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